Obesity In Children

By Richardo Manning

Obesity is sweeping the country like an epidemic and children are far from immune. Depending on the study you read, anywhere from 20% to 35% of the country's children are overweight or obese. Before you go placing your child on a strict diet, there are several things that you should understand about childhood obesity first.

But is that what the bride really wants to do? This is her chance to have a fun, stress-free evening or weekend with her girls - to enjoy the friendships they have and just have fun! If awkward and dirty aren't her things, better plan again.

As you stop and think about what the bride-to-be would really enjoy, you'll come up with some incredibly fun, and unique party ideas that will mean so much more than a "traditional" bachelorette party.

This is a great way to turn exploring into a fun and challenging game. Print out a list of things for your children to find, and set them out in nature. Think about colors, shapes, and textures when you come up with your list. Some examples are seeds, different shapes of rocks, different types of leaves, man-made objects or litter.

While these activities are not inherently bad, when a child is not encouraged to engage in active pursuits alongside them, they can take over. If prolonged, it will become more difficult for them to develop healthy and active habits that they can carry with them throughout their life.

As you brainstorm ideas, no doubt you'll come up with some great, personal ideas. But before you all take off to go zip lining in Costa Rica, remember that there are a lot of practical things that you need to consider as well to throw a no-regrets bachelorette party.


Once you have your guest list ready, remember that those girls attending the party will have to help pay. Consider their financial situations and limit activities to those that can be done on their budget. Make sure no one is left broke, embarrassed, or left out because of finances.

The timing of a bachelorette party is also very important. You don't want to hold it too early, because a long stretch in-between the party and the wedding will just feel awkward. On the other hand, cramming in a party during the last frantic-filled days before the wedding may only add unneeded stress.

Find some cool rocks and paint faces on them. You can make a whole rock family, complete with rock pets.

If you are looking for a fun way to get active, Jumptown Inflatables has jump house rentals in Utah. Give us a call or visit our website for more information.

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