Reading The Chronological Bible Is Enjoyable To Many Individuals

By Marissa Velazquez

The Bible has earned the title of the greatest story ever told. Year after year, it outsells any other book. It has played a significant role in shaping Western society and laws, and over numerous centuries, millions of individuals have been positively affected by this book. However, research has concluded that there are few people who have read this volume in its entirety, which is perhaps the reason for the popularity of the chronological Bible. The latter makes reading the book simpler for numerous individuals.

Most individuals have heard of Bible; however, some individuals do not realize that it is not presented in chronological order. This means that the books of the Bible do not follow each other in the exact way that history was recorded. Rather, some of the events actually took place in a different order than the way they are arranged in the original transcript.

The aforementioned volume has about thirty-one thousand verses and approximately twelve-hundred chapters. These cover thousands of years of history. Individuals who have studied history and events with care have discovered a way to arrange the Bible in chronological order. The message is not changed of course, but the information is presented in a different order.

Many people are intrigued with the Bible when it is placed in chronological order. Creation, as one would suspect, is at the beginning of the book. However, the order then changes considerably. To read biblical events in the sequence in which they occurred, an individual would first read Genesis chapters one through twenty-two. The book of Job would come next, and after reading this, the individual would return to complete Genesis.

The next book would be Exodus in its entirety, followed by the ninetieth Psalm, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and the ninety-first Psalm. Chronicles II would follow; however, it would be interrupted about sixteen times with other sections if one was reading the volume chronologically.

While the Gospels remain the same, which are the first 4 books of the New Testament, things once again dramatically change from there on. John's Gospel is immediately followed by Acts chapters One through 14, but then the epistle of James is inserted, which is followed by Acts chapter 15. The Acts of the Apostles is interrupted again approximately 8 times prior to its commencement. The next book for those reading chronologically is Colossians.

The Epistles of John, which total three volumes, interrupt the book of Revelation several times. However, the latter is the last book, in both the traditional Bible and the chronological version. Many people find that the this book is more enjoyable when it is read in this way, but as one would suspect, this is largely a matter of personal preference.

Individuals who want to read chronologically have 2 options. They can go online or visit a Christian bookstore to buy a chronological Bible, or merely obtain an outline that explains which books and chapters should be read in what order. To read the whole Bible in three hundred sixty-five days, the reader must devote about twenty minutes each day to this endeavor. Those who want to obtain this version will be pleased to find that it is easy to locate.

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