How To Learn Better Pronunciation In English

By Angela Briggs

English is a language that is spoken in over a quarter of the globe. However some people may not always be sure what is the right way to say certain words. This can lead to misunderstandings and social awkwardness. This is why you may want to learn better pronunciation in English.

There are numerous practical reasons why this is important. In recent times one of the biggest obstacles to people with regional accents is automatic menus and voice recognition systems. These unfortunately may not always be able to interpret how some people pronounce words.

This is why it can help to learn how to pronounce words more clearly. In more formal scenarios such as giving a speech or a job interview this can also be important. You could be telling a very funny joke or giving the most intelligent interview answer but if the person listening cannot understand it then they will not understand or get the punchline.

When trying to pronounce words more clearly it is best to use either an American or British style of pronunciation. While there are other variants of English these tend to be the ones that people are more likely to understand and tend to be the clearest. It also makes it easier when learning words without having to adapt to different patterns of speech.

Generally speaking it is also best to focus on words you have problems with. Focusing on these will then make it easier in the long term to pronounce other words. As with other forms of study it takes a lot of practise and over time the amount of repetition it will make it a lot easier to learn how to say a word. In short it is worth noting that while people can develop bad habits with the right routine it is equally possible to develop good habits.

Watching videos can also help as well. The additional benefit with this is that you can pause and rewind. This then means you can watch this over and over again. Eventually you will be able to mentally picture someone saying the word and then be able to replicate it without having to think about it too much as you learn almost on a subconscious level as opposed to trying to cram the information in as much as possible.

Equally it is possible to learn from watching films, listening to the radio and so forth. Listen out for certain words. If you hear them enough times and repeat them then it then becomes easier to repeat them and say them in this way. With repetition it then becomes easier to say them yourself.

You can find a number of courses, video tutorials and other ways to learn better pronunciation in English. A lot of the time a quick internet search for a word should also give you a result with a phonetic spelling alongside the definition. Use your regular search engine to help you find a variety of ways to develop your pronunciation as well as hints and tips from other people who are learning to develop their English speaking skills and improving the clarity of their pronunciation.

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