Discovering Arts On The Grow

By Jaclyn Hurley

Over the past few years, performance arts have considerably grown popular making comedy and other artistic creations well known to the public. Arts on the grow has as a result facilitated the growth of the entertainment industry. In art performances, the level of intellectual and creative method of communicating emotions is all that counts. Everything should flow and perfectly match with each other.

Nowadays, comedy has become part of our daily lives, and people are making money by just making people to laugh. Intentionally making people laugh, requires a lot of creativity and also hard work. In theatre, comedy has also become part of arts performed, and has become among the most admired form of art. Performances in theatres are normally performed by following some strategies.

There are a couple of elements that need to be put into consideration for a superb act; these are, performance, literal and technical elements. When in theatre, comedies require more than just the jokes and more of theatrics so as to make performances entertaining. For that, costumes and makeup have a crucial role in developing different characters; also, sound is a vital element as it is used to bring a connection between moves and rhythms.

Contrary to most presentations, eloquence is not as important and can instead be used in creating humor whereby poor uttering of words is incidental but made to seem accidental. Combining sound pitches and rhymes are other aspects that can be used to bring humor. Moreover, facial expressions and gestures are useful in making an act lively and entertaining to the audience.

Doing things the other way round appears funny, and in comedy, some of these technical elements should be used in creating funny scenes. It required a lot of practice to bring out funny acts especially in theatres where there are hundred of people waiting to listen and watch. The audience expects a lot from the performers, and confident is one among the qualities that keep a comedian going.

As part of the creativity involved in the art, there should be a connection between the theme and the environment in which the audience is exposed to during different acts. More and more people need to appreciate art as it defines what people are and their lifestyles. Moreover, by incorporating different concepts of communicate this; lives are changed for the better.

Scenery set, light and other decoration should be part of the stage preparation. In scenery set, theatrical equipments such as a curtain and platform are the major elements in creating the environment of scenes displayed on the stage. Curtain is used in dividing the scenes of the drama, whereby after a scene the curtain closes and opens in the other scene in a different platform.

Nevertheless, art has been there since the 16th century and it keeps changing with the change in lifestyle. As fashion changes, the same trend is followed in art performance in order to satisfy the targeted audience. Living standards and lifestyle is changing at an alarming rate, and the same appears in the need to change the styles in performances in theatres so as to keep the audience from shifting to other forms of arts in other countries.

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